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Why Should I Get Out of My Comfort Zone?

Firstly, let’s understand what it is. A comfort zone is a psychological state in which a person feels relaxed and in control of their surroundings with low levels of anxiety and stress. Comfort zones can be different for everyone. Some people find comfort in shopping, others seek warm, savoury, homemade food. Whatever it may be, it can prevent you from growing and improving.

To elaborate, staying in your comfort zone can prevent you from so many different opportunities. For example, you might discover something you love- there are millions of things you haven’t tried. How do you know that there isn’t something out there that you love? Research shows that new challenges and experiences renew your brain and make it healthier, more adaptable, and stronger. New challenges are a great way to keep your brain thinking.

Now, I’m not saying comfort zones are always a bad thing because sometimes you just need to feel safe and protected after a stressful day at work or school. You just need to feel psychologically secure, to seek refuge somewhere or somehow when life gets too overwhelming. I’m not pushing you, I’m just saying that you should sometimes take the risk which could have a better result.

So, now, the question is: How do I get out of my comfort zone? I would say start small; step-by-step is key and that’s how you’ll stay consistent. Something like making small changes to your daily routine. For example, don’t use your phone while having dinner, or instead of watching a movie or tv-show, read a book. These changes can break you out of your old comfortable routine. Nice and simple.

Another one is more of a mental trick: justify the fear. Begin by identifying the fear that causes you to be uncomfortable, and then go through a quick mental exercise to justify why you shouldn’t proceed with the uncomfortable and fearful next step. If the rationalization is correct, you may choose not to proceed. If, on the other hand, the rationalization is purely emotional, you may need to proceed and push through any discomfort.

Try to act like you are comfortable with it and just do it! I know, easier said than done. But think of it like this, someone else you know would have no problem taking this step. Once you do it, you’ll see just how easy that was and you’ll have no problem next time. All you need to do is give yourself a push.

Here’s an inspiring quote that will hopefully motivate you:  “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela

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