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NES Kuwait Primary Literacy Week


In October, the Primary department of NES held an event called “Literacy Week”. All seven days, students from Years 1-6 partook in  activities that related to what they had been learning in English language lessons, such as spelling and grammar activities. 


During Literacy Week, the pupils were encouraged to be especially superb when it came to literacy. It was also the only time to order books from London! The last day of this challenging (though enjoyable) week was celebrated with a ‘Book Character Day’, where students and teachers wore anything to look like a character from any book. However, you needed to prove that you were not just wearing random clothes- and to do that, you could have brought the book that your character was from. The best costume from each year group was chosen by the teachers in the competition and earned a certificate as well as a prize from their class teacher.


Literacy week is an annual event that takes place in Primary school. The reason the younger department does Literacy Week is because it helps some students whose English is lower than “Intermediate” in an engaging and effective way. This event is one that teachers and students alike look forward to- not just because of the excitement of Literacy Week, but also because of the help it provides students. Students’ answers to the question: “Did Literacy Week help you improve your English?” were all positive. 


It’s not just NES which “celebrates” Literacy Week, though; all the schools in Kuwait should do it too, as the local Ministry of Education encourages them to. However, in each school, the way they do it differs- but our personal favourite is, of course, NES.


In conclusion, Literacy Week is a fun (and colourful!) way to make children love English lessons. 

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