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”The Whispers” a short story.

I stumbled upon an old, abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town. The once-white paint on the exterior walls was now chipping off, revealing the old, dark bricks underneath. The windows were shattered, and the sills were covered with cobwebs and dust. The roof had caved in at some places, and the garden was now a jungle of overgrown bushes and trees that seemed to be swallowing up the mansion. The iron gate that led to the mansion was rusted and squeaked loudly as I pushed it open to enter.

As I approached the front door, it creaked open on its own, revealing a dark and eerie interior. The walls were covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, and there were spider webs in every corner. The floors creaked with every step I took, and the musty smell of decay filled my nostrils. The grand staircase that led to the upper floors was once a work of art, but now it was covered in dust and debris, and the handrails were sticky to the touch.

As I walked through the hallway, the wooden floorboards groaned under my weight, and the shadows seemed to move around me. The old chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were covered in cobwebs and dust, and some of the crystals were missing. The once beautiful paintings on the walls were now just faded and peeling canvases, and some of the frames were broken. The furniture was old and covered in a thick layer of dust, and the curtains were tattered and torn, with moth holes in them.

I couldn’t resist the urge to explore this mysterious place, but the more I walked, the more sinister it became. The rooms were possibly beautifully decorated, but now they were in ruins. The old wallpapers were now peeling, and the furniture was covered in cobwebs and dust, with some of it broken or overturned. The windows were shattered, and the wind howled through the cracks, making the curtains flap wildly. I felt like the house was alive and watching me.

As I wandered aimlessly, the rooms seemed to change, becoming more and more ominous. The decor was in ruins, and the furniture was covered in cobwebs and dust, with some of it rotting away. The mirrors on the walls were cracked or missing, the once-grand fireplace was now just a pile of ashes, and the chimney was blocked with soot. I could hear the sound of footsteps coming from the hallways, but every time I turned to face the sound, there was no one there.

Sweat began to form on my forehead as I made my way through the dimly lit hallway. Every creak of the floorboards made me jump, and every shadow seemed to move out of the corner of my eye. I knew I had to get out of there, but something held me back. Was it curiosity or fear? I couldn’t tell.

Suddenly, I heard a faint whisper coming from one of the rooms. It was too quiet to make out what was being said, but it was enough to make my heart skip a beat. I took a deep breath and slowly made my way towards the room.

As I approached the door, the whisper turned into a low murmur, and I could feel the cold breeze coming from the crack at the bottom of the door. I hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open. What I saw in that room made my blood run cold…

The room was dark and musty, with the only light coming from a single candle that was flickering on a small table. In the middle of the room was a large, ornate mirror that seemed to be the source of the whispering. 

As I approached the mirror, I saw that my reflection was not alone. Standing behind me was a figure dressed in old-fashioned clothing, with a pale face and dark, sunken eyes. I tried to scream, but no sound came out of my mouth. The figure reached out and grabbed my face, and I could feel its icy cold hand on my skin. Suddenly, everything went black, and I felt myself falling into a deep, dark void. When I woke up, I was lying on the dusty floor of the room. 

But something was different, something was off.

As I looked in the mirror, a terrifying realisation hit me – I was trapped in her body.

The house felt different, almost suffocating. It was as if something was holding me back, not letting me leave.

I tried the doors and the windows, but everything seemed to be locked from the outside. But there was no escape

I am the whispers now…


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