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Meet the teacher: Mr. Bunting!

Who is Mr. Bunting?

Mr. Bunting is an amazing secondary English teacher! He’s like a little spark of energy trapped in a ball. Mr. Bunting can be found teaching in room C1 and he’s always up to helping his students, even during break times.  

A little more about him…

His full name is Philip Bunting and he comes from Ireland. Fun fact: He has 2 passports- Irish and British. He has been teaching for almost 10 years! He has also taught in FIVE countries!  (South Korea, Thailand, Spain, England, and Ireland). He can also speak quite good Thai, a little Spanish, and random words in Korean!! 


His hobbies

Mr. Bunting loves working out or just listening to and discovering new genres of music on Spotify. He is obsessed with buying and selling on eBay. He quotes: ‘I love shopping on eBay! Sometimes I sell there as well; what I do is buy things out of season, so when they are in season I re-sell them for profit. Like winter jackets!’. Additionally, you can tell by the number of countries he has worked in that he loves traveling!

Some things you may not know about him

Mr. Bunting used to be an actor on stage before he became a teacher and, surprisingly, he used to play bass guitar in a rock band!! Just above I mentioned he likes exploring the world of music, so this wouldn’t be too surprising, especially for him. He also is very fond of video games and horror movies!

Why he came to teach at NES

He wanted a change of place, and he wanted to experience new cultures and learn about them, explore them and see what they have to offer. He recalls his time in the UK: ‘When I taught in England, the weather was mostly dull, grey or wet. I decided to come to someplace dry and hot and the Middle East was an option so I chose Kuwait.’ Honestly, I think that is a very unique reason to come to teach here.

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