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Up Close With The Enemy: The Coronavirus In Stunning Detail

Once you hear its name, your spine shivers from terror. Yes. It’s the COVID-19, also known by its more popular name: The Coronavirus. A disease that puts its victims between the realms of life or death.  A disease that even our advanced technology cannot understand, or even cope with (yet)… 

You might think that this outbreak can end us, however, don’t forget that we are humans. We are the humans that found a cure for many other diseases that are 10 times more deadly. Humans are the ones who carried glory from one generation to another, and throughout ANY fatal situation, we had a sword to defend our people with. This sword is HOPE.

When you look into the past, you will see many legends and great people who have died of diseases. But where did these deadly diseases from the past go? Where are they now?

Well, the answer is pretty obvious: our technology WIPED THEM OUT. We’ve invented vaccines, cures and microscopes to see and end these illnesses; we were the ones who conquered these diseases… They didn’t control us- because we are stronger. So there is no need to ‘freak out’; everything is under control. And here, we will meet facts you must know about this disease, along with a few symptoms and tips.

History Of The Virus

In order to introduce you to the new coronavirus, here are basic facts that most of us know:

First of all, we all know that this virus started in Wuhan, China. The first case ever was believed to date back on 17th November 2019, where it is said that a 55-year old man caught the virus from the wet markets in the streets (a place that sells unusual foods such as bats and snakes). The doctors from China didn’t realise this from the patient, as they reported him as a “normal man with cold flu.” This was a FATAL mistake. The man was released into the public, infecting many and starting the outbreak on a December morning. 

The scientists then became a little bit suspicious of the “unusual cold flu”, and here, after research, scientists knew what was going on. But it was too late. The man hadn’t infected many, but other people had also caught the virus from the wet markets, where it is believed that its source was animals such as bats. The scientists then recognised the coronavirus, however, this wasn’t enough. The virus jumped from one person to another, and from yet another person to another, and started the outbreak, with five cases per day at first. But it was too late…

The Coronavirus Symptoms:

COVID-19 symptoms go from mild to severe, if not taken care of. It takes about 2-14 days after exposure for symptoms to develop. Symptoms might include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Those with weakened immune systems may develop more serious symptoms, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. However, you might never even develop symptoms after being exposed to COVID-19. So far, most confirmed cases are in adults, but some children have been infected. There is no evidence that children are at greater risk for getting the virus though. Still, you need to follow personal hygiene rules whether or not you have these symptoms- especially because coronavirus patients mostly have no symptoms at all. 

Make sure to take care of your immune system, as some cases have gotten rid of the coronavirus on their own without needing a doctor.

Fun Things to do in Quarantine:

To curb the spread of the virus, we’ve been confined to our homes. But as you may already be experiencing, all that home time can start to drag a little- so here are a few ideas of fun and productive things to do during quarantine. 

One thing you must NOT do during isolation is checking for information about the coronavirus daily or repetitively. Our goal is to make people comfortable and safe, not obsessive or nervous. Instead, look up fun stuff to do during quarantine and enjoy your time! Check out funny jokes, memes, movies, shows, DIY things and others. Here are good things you might enjoy doing in quarantine:  


  • Reading Books


Let’s not just forget that we are still in school, even if it is online. We still need knowledge, and this is the main source of it: books. They are only made of paper (unless you’re an e-reader!) but contain endless meaning and value. Reading books is essential wherever you are, as it keeps the time moving and stops boredom (not to mention that it keeps your mind fresh and alive too). A good quote by JK. Rowling is, “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book” which means that as everyone is interested in different things, you must find reads that interest you rather than ruling out the activity as a whole.


  • Stay away from social media


Come on! This is a chance to spend some time with your family, why would you damage your eyes with mobile phones 24/7? Did you know that social media also strongly affects your mental health? In fact, overuse can cause seizures, brain injuries and memory loss- and of course, it can deteriorate your eyesight over time. So why would you risk it? There is too much meaning to life and the world around us for us to simply spend our days (that rapidly turn to weeks, then months) on Instagram, Snapchat and (of course) TikTok.


  • DIY things


Do It Yourself things are very useful, fun and time-consuming. If you can’t buy sanitizer, why not try making your own? Why not try to design a paper lantern for Ramadan? Enjoy yourself! Build and design your dreams!  Who knows when skills like that could come in handy?

Tips To Prevent Coronavirus Transmission:

We may have heard this before, but washing hands is REALLY important. The virus is not a living organism, meaning that medicines cannot kill it. However, washing hands and infected surfaces can actually prevent it from entering your body. Also, is very important NOT to touch your face. The only way that the virus can enter you is by your eyes, mouth, nose and ears. So touching your face is a bad idea, especially that the virus is one of the smallest organisms EVER. So as a conclusion, I would advise you to stay home, have fun, don’t worry much, and request a doctor when you feel that you are in danger. 

Make sure to stay safe and use your lock-down time wisely!

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