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National Day Primary Assembly

On the 20th of February, NES celebrated a joyful and vibrant mood as students wore their gowns and clothing to celebrate the important event taking place that day. Every year, NES has a special assembly for the primary students with festive dancing and songs to celebrate the liberation of Kuwait from the Iraqi forces back in 1991.


Besides year 5 and 6, who were educated about the liberation from their KSS textbooks and had an exam for this subject, other years did work in their art sessions such as drawing and colouring in the flag of Kuwait for display. The corridors had fairy lights hanging, which lit the path and several unique decorations which made for a lively atmosphere. Teachers even decorated the staff room to prepare it for the upcoming occasion with ribbons coloured black, white, green and red on the front door with several flags inside.



The finale of the assembly 


Even though the school was ready for National day, there was far more work to do. Arabic and Islamic staff had each chosen about ten to thirty students, from years 2 to 6, which would perform a dance up on the stage. Year 6 students and a few year 5 students sang, gave speeches and recited poems. There was also a finale at the very end which had every performer singing and waving their flags up on the stage. The audience were allowed to join in and sing or just wave their flags from their seats.


One of the other highlights of the day was the clothing everyone could wear. Leading to the event, the teachers had given students three options: they could either come to school wearing school uniform, the colours of the Kuwaiti flag or wear any dress or clothing which resembles Kuwaiti dress, such as the dishdasha or the abaya. On the day, students and a few teachers came wearing their Kuwaiti clothing and few even brought snacks to celebrate. Thus, the corridor was full of vibrant colours and traditional clothing.   


Overall, the day was full of joy, laughter and fun. Students, Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti alike, could celebrate the country’s liberation with each other- and have enjoyed doing so. The day was an excellent ending to the week and it made students excited for the years to come.

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