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Introverts Versus Extroverts

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 

We’ve all heard that question at least once in our lives, but there’s more to it than just being quiet or outgoing. You may have an idea of where you are on the spectrum, but if you still aren’t certain, read on! 

Before we start, we need to understand what introversion and extroversion are…

So what exactly are introverts? 

An introvert is someone who feels drained after socialising,  a person that tends to focus on internal feelings. Most introverts require time alone to recharge but not all of them are the same; some only need a small amount of alone time until they feel energised again. So, are introverts shy? Not necessarily. Shyness and introversion are two different things. Someone who is shy is often nervous during social situations while an introvert is a person who just likes spending time alone. This means that introverts mainly prefer solitude, are good listeners, quiet, observant, introspective, and enjoy working alone rather than in large groups.

What about extroverts? 

They are people who focus on the external world. In contrast to introverts, they recharge by socialising and spending time with others. People usually associate being social and outgoing with extroversion. Shyness is a trait that can be shared by introverts and extroverts alike. Extroverts solve problems and issues by discussion and engaging with others, and they also like to work in big groups. Unlike introverts, extroverts tend to act first before thinking.

Maybe you feel like you share traits of both introverts and extroverts… Perhaps you are an ambivert. What is an ambivert? An ambivert is someone who has equal features of both introversion and extroversion. Although extroverts are more common than introverts, most of us fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Ambiverts can work well alone as well as in groups and might feel like they don’t strictly fit under either category.

Are you an introvert or extrovert- or maybe even an ambivert?!

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