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10 Strange Facts

1. It takes about 10 milliseconds for people to make a first impression of someone. 

2. Facebook has offices in over 70 cities all over the world.

3. Over 700,000 people in England can’t speak English ‘properly’.

4. A single human DNA strand contains about as much information as 50 novels.

5. When Judy Garland was 16, while filming ‘The Wizard of Oz’, she was put on a diet of chicken soup, coffee and 80 cigarettes a day.

6. It’s illegal to clap your hands in public in Belarus.

7. Chewing gum is banned in Singapore.

8. Scientists can turn peanut butter into diamonds.

9. On Mars, sunsets are blue.

10. There’s a huge blue planet somewhere out there (called ‘HD189733b’) where the temperatures reach 1000°C, and it rains glass sideways.

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