You are currently viewing The TED Club: one of the newest (and possibly greatest) additions to NES’s CCAs

The TED Club: one of the newest (and possibly greatest) additions to NES’s CCAs

If you’ve ever been on the internet, it is improbable that you haven’t heard a TED talk.

TED-Ed provides an opportunity for people to share their stories, whether these stories are inspiring, humorous or educational; if you have a good story and can say it in a new way, chances are you could deliver a TED talk. 

TED-Ed clubs provide a way for students to plan and, at the end of the school year, present their talk, which would then be uploaded to the school’s TED-Ed Youtube channel.


Below is an interview with one of the members, M.Belal. 

I= Interviewer


I: Why did you join the TED club?

I wanted to practice public speaking.  


I: What did you do in the first 4 weeks of the club?

We started working on ideas about what our speeches would be about and watched a few popular TED talks including James Vietch’s talk about spam mail.


I: Who runs it and where is it held?

Mohadeseh Arefanian in U6-1. We meet up every Monday afternoon in Drama Room 1 on the top floor of D block.


I: When are you allowed to join the TED-ED club?

At the beginning of the school year 


I: Do you have any ideas for YOUR speech, if yes what are they?

Yes, but I want it to be a surprise 😉


I: Anything else you want to add?

TED club is extremely fun and easily enjoyable; it teaches a lot of important skills including innovation and, of course, public speaking. Even if you are not into TED talks you will still enjoy this CCA. I recommend joining it next year if you haven’t this year because I repeat, it is extremely enjoyable and teaches you a ton of important life skills.


I can’t be any happier that TED-ED is on its second year, and I hope it goes on next year so that I can join it and, hopefully, if you’re interested, you can too!

Want to join the TED-ED club? Well, sadly you can’t join now (as that happens at the beginning of the academic year) but keep an eye out next year since spaces are limited!


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