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Movie Review: The Greatest Showman

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else”- P.T. Barnum

8/10 IMDB rating


P.T. Barnum had a dream one day to introduce a show that included astounding and extraordinary talents such as acrobats and contortionists. Mr.Barnum had an entrepreneurship idea and wanted to give these talented people a place where they felt at home, had a family and could finally show off their skills instead of keeping it under wraps and being ashamed and unworthy of living. In the circus, these people would be appreciated for who they really were and no longer be ridiculed, they would be given a stage where they could proudly and efficiently display their talents – talents never seen before in one place. It would provide people with smiles and have them laughing and having the time of their lives. This dream of having his own circus was a struggle to make into reality as Mr. Barnum did not have the money to open up his own circus. However, he did not give up and eventually found a way by borrowing money from the bank. He was afraid that the circus would not be a success and that he would not be able to pay the bank back, but his dedication paid off as the circus was greatly appreciated by many people and it became a worldwide sensation. However, many also believed that having a circus is unsuitable for society and should not be praised. This, of course, caused backlash and people protesting in front of the circus, trying their best to shut it down.


As ‘The Greatest Showman’ is a musical, the characters broke into a song and choreography every once in a while, however, every single song sung in the movie was incredible and the way the scenes were filmed and edited made you feel as if you were part of the movie. Some songs had powerful messages that almost made you tear up and some were so upbeat that you would be tempted to join them. The songs in the movie were all very catchy and the second you finish the movie you will instantly want to download the entire soundtrack.

Our recommendation

If you want a lighthearted movie with a great soundtrack that will be stuck in your head for days, then this is the movie for you. From the opening of the movie to the end, you will be excited and engrossed in the musical, not wanting to miss a single second. ‘The Greatest Showman’ is a movie inspired by the story of P.T. Barnum’s opening of Barnum & Bailey Circus and the characters who were part of the circus. The cast includes Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Zendaya, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Keala Settle and many more talented people.

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