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Year 11 Geography Trip 2018

“We ate, we had fun, we drew our faces in the sand. Life was good- alllllll until we had to fill out EVERY SINGLE SHEET!” -anonymous account

Gathered at the school gates at 8:45am on a Saturday, us Year 11s weren’t expecting much but ended up being pleasantly surprised. In a few minutes, the buses were packed and we were ‘clipboarded’ and ready, armed with clinometers, measuring sticks and quadrats. The trip to Fintas beach was lengthy (roughly an hour or so) but felt only a few minutes long, as was our time there.

Once we arrived, the geography team were beyond helpful in their thorough instructions, allowing the experience to be both educational as well as enjoyable. Our tasks were varied, ranging from surveying beach litter to measuring the beach profile and even counting waves!

After that, we headed to an urban area in Fintas, where we were to carry out some settlement research, initially looking at a low-class area then moving on to a high-class block.

Our time at both locations was constricted yet constructive, spending around an hour at each spot before we were surprised to find ourselves at “The Village”, a restaurant complex where we were to have lunch and mingle. This was, according to many, the students’ and teachers’ alike favourite part of the trip.

The day came to an end as we loaded onto the buses for the last time and went back to school, then each to our own homes, left with the sheets we filled out and our memories for souvenirs. Overall, it was a pleasant day and allowed us to make a splash in the world of geography fieldwork (no pun intended).

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