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Captain Marvel Teaser Trailer hidden references and review

*Warning: this article contains spoilers, so in case you missed out on the other Marvel movies, beware of shocking details.*

The new Captain Marvel trailer is out and us Marvel fans have been crazy about it since. It got 109 million views in just one week! Therefore, in this article we shall enlighten you with all the hidden references that we found that could help you find theories about what will happen in the Captain Marvel movie.

In the new trailer, we got to see a sneak peek of all the upcoming, amazing, action-filled events that will soon unfold in the movie. We’ll also find out about the long-awaited story of Captain Marvel, as well as young Nick Fury, Samuel L. Jackson, using some very impressive CGI and makeup! In the trailer -in case you somehow missed it – he had TWO eyes! The movie is set in the 1990’s so we’ll also explore the mysterious past of our favorite Colonel Fury. There is even a small chance we might also learn what actually happened after the post-credits of Infinity War.

Now, this is the references part where we give you a small run-through of the trailer, what has happened and what might be the happening in the plot.

The trailer starts with a shot of a massive explosion in the sky and Captain Marvel falling down onto a Blockbuster Video store late at night; Blockbuster Video stores were very popular during the 90’s because people could rent movies, video games and TV shows- however, in the present day, they have all shut down (except for one!). We hear the voice of Nick Fury saying ‘War is a universal language, I know a soldier when I see one (referencing Carol Danvers)’. Captain Marvel is brainwashed in this movie so we might be watching her discover her past/her human side. Carol Danvers, in the comics, was an Airforce Pilot that somehow meets a Kree Guardian Of Earth (Mar-vell) and gets her powers becoming sort of part Kree part Human. Mar-vell also dies at some point *keep in mind this is just a brief explanation of what happens in the comics*.

It then cuts to the marvel intro we all know and love but the colors change from silver and red to blue and gold, because of one of her most iconic suits, the colors switched (just like in Thor: Ragnarok when the color switched to green because of the Hulk).

We then see Carol in the Shield headquarters, possibly after she met Fury. We also hear someone’s voice saying the words ‘Space invasion’, foreshadowing what Fury said about war being a universal language. We also see Captain Marvel using her powers for the first time on-screen, as it is confirmed she is the most powerful being in the universe.

Fury also admits that he was ready to quit until he saw her that day as she was walking around confused, not knowing where she was, in her suit. In case you didn’t already know, SHIELD, Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division is meant to track down possible dangers to earth and try to prevent them from getting to the public, causing nationwide chaos. This scene was probably right after Fury found her and is now trying to find out where she came from. When he asks if she’s from around here, ‘here’ being earth, she says it’s hard to explain, implying she might sort of know her past. The scene cuts to the same thing that exploded in the opening- my theory is that it was a ship from the Kree planet which she was boarding to go protect earth from the alien invasion- but the enemies most likely blew up her ship.

Carol explains how she keeps getting flashbacks from her life at earth like her air force training and her playing when she was young. Those flashbacks keep end with her falling down, this might imply that she doesn’t quit and always gets back up or that she keeps hitting her head, foreshadowing that she got brainwashed- and those are her only vivid memories, so she can’t tell if they’re real or not. In one of those flashbacks, we see a slight glow in her hands so this might be a twist from the comics because in this movie, it seems like Carol Danvers might be some sort of Kree-Human Hybrid and she might have been taken from earth after joining the airforce. We then see her hanging upside-down with a machine zapping her brain. This might be when they brainwashed her but she is in her iconic blue, red and gold suit for the first time in this trailer (because we also saw her in a similar green and silver suit). We also catch a flash of other Kree soldiers- and they seemed to have a clip of a soldier who might be Mar-vell because they left the camera on him for a little longer, signifying that he might be playing a bigger role in this movie.
They then go on to introduce the villains of this movie: the Skrulls and the shape-shifting aliens who can look like anyone they want, which is why we see her punching an old lady on the train.

We also see a young Phil Coulson and Nick Fury using the device he used at the end of Infinity War, which is probably used to summon Captain Marvel. He says ‘We need you’ during clips from her flashbacks of her getting back up, highlighting her strength.

Overall Captain Marvel seems like it’s going to be an awesome movie for all fans and we hope this article has helped you.


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