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Recipe of the Session: Churros


Amount of time the recipe takes:

About 35 mins


Ingredients/what you need:

  • 13g granulated sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 56g butter, (no salt) make sure they are in tiny pieces 
  • 141g flour
  • Some vegetable oil
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 250ml of water


Ingredients for coating:

  • ¾ teaspoon of cinnamon (ground)
  • 100g granulated sugar


Baking instructions:

  1. For the coating, mix ½  cup sugar and cinnamon in a dish (make sure it’s not a deep dish), and set aside.
  2. Pour 1½  inches of vegetable oil in a large pot or deep pan and heat it at 360 degrees. Prepare the dough while the oil is heating.
  3. Add the salt, sugar, butter and water to a large saucepan and boil over medium-high heat.
  4. Add flour, then reduce heat to medium-low and cook and stir constantly with a spatula until mixture comes together and is smooth (but it’s alright to have a few lumps in it).
  5. Transfer the mixture to a larger mixing bowl, let it cool for 5 minutes.
  6. Add vanilla and egg to flour mixture then (immediately) blend with an electric mixer.
  7. Blend it until mixture comes together and is smooth (it will separate at first but keep mixing and it will come together).
  8. Transfer it to a 16-inch piping bag fitted with a rounded star tip that is not bigger than ½ inch.
  9. Carefully pipe mixture into preheated oil, into about 6 inch lengths, cut  the end with scissors.
  10. Let it fry about 2 minutes per side until it is a golden brown colour.
  11. Transfer it to paper towels to dry it quickly- for about 15 seconds (don’t wait too long or they’ll be dry and the sugar won’t stick as well).
  12. Transfer to the cinnamon sugar mixture and roll it to coat.
  13. Repeat the process with remaining dough (don’t fry more than 5 at once, separate with metal tongs if they stick to one another).


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