Health And Fitness Day 2025!

Health and fitness day is an important and fun day in NES. It is a perfect opportunity to embrace a healthy lifestyle and get involved in many activities. It is a great occasion to participate and get involved in any activities to win points for your house.

A walk through NES’s Health and Fitness Day: 

On this day, there is a wake-up shake-up at 7 am to 8 am with activities to do on the side and throughout the two breaks, there are numerous activities, and both breaks are extended to 30 minutes to make the fun last longer.

During the first break, there was a micro relay for all year groups, including teachers! There was also a Year 10 mixed netball match, standing long jump, football penalty shoot out and at the secondary gym there was a Year 7-8 inter house table tennis.  At 2nd break there was a press up challenge, foam javelin competition, egg and spoon race, 3-legged race and the most fun one was the staff vs 6th form bench ball game. Surprisingly, it was a tie, but still a very exciting and close match that kept everyone on their toes!

The winning house team on the day was Ikaros followed by Dilmun.

On the day, there was a variety of healthy food, brought by some food vendors and from the tuck shop, to encourage students to eat healthy and keep nourished throughout the long, enjoyable day.


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