If you’re in Year 9, you would’ve probably attended the assembly on the 13th of January, where Mr. Brooks – Head of Business, Economics, and Accounting – held a presentation on IGCSE Business Studies, IGCSE Economics, and IGCSE Accounting, talking about whether you should consider studying any of the three subjects for IGCSE.
So here’s more information about the event
The Economics Taster Event took place on the 13th of January after school. It allowed Year 9 students to get an idea of what all three subjects are like, specifically economics, through a competition that was carried out by Mr. Brooks. This integrates a more practical approach to knowing what economics is like, rather than sitting in a classroom and taking notes. Such a competition can help you choose which subject to take or skip, without being too worried.
Now, it’s not to be confused that the event was only about economics, but about the three subjects. Yes, the event’s name is “Economics Taster Event,” but it gave you an idea of all the three subjects through the competition. This event also allowed you to meet the staff from the Business Department, who will be able to answer any questions you might have about studying Business, Accounting, or Economics in the future.
Additionally, you might be asking yourself the question; “Should I just study all three?” Well, the answer is quite simple. If you’d like to study all three subjects, then that’s completely fine, yet – according to Mr. Brooks–it is not recommended that you study them all. Why? It is due to the fact that all of these subjects can overlap with one another, meaning that you may get more confused whilst studying all of them. It is preferred that you choose one or two to study rather than all of them. You can also choose to study none, although it will be a good idea to have studied at least one out of the three. Also, as a side note, Accounting is Mr. Brooks’ favourite subject out of the three.
So, answering the big question, did you miss out if you did not join? In a way, yes. If you did not join, you have missed out on what economics ‘feels’ like. Having joined will at least let you know that you could skip taking one of the three subjects with more ease in comparison to having to worry about whether you should have considered taking any of them. Once again, it is your choice to see if you would like to study one, two, or all the subjects, but preferably at least have complete knowledge of one of them. That’s it from me!