What do the NES House Captains Do?

What are the house teams?

Here at NES we have 4 house teams; Gerrha, Dilmun, Tylos and Ikaros. For each house there are 2 house captains (2 for each year group). There are house captains and vice captains. 

What are house captains and what do they do?

Every year, there are new house captains chosen for a fresh start. They are the leaders for their house and help around the secondary department. They have many jobs such as helping in sports day, helping out  teachers, explaining competitions to classes and many more!

What is currently occupying our house captains?

Right now the house captains are working hard on the movember house boards. It is to show awareness for the men with cancer that are unfortunately fighting for their lives. 

What do house captains plan?

House captains plan things such as house quizzes, health and fitness day, and sport related events. During pink day, everyone dressed up in their pink outfits and the house captains had to choose the ‘best dressed’ from each class leading to one winner for each year, they all got house points for their efforts.

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