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Striking Spain

What is so spellbinding about Spain? Why is Spain one of the most leading tourist destinations in the world? 

Well, for starters, their Royal Family dates back all the way to the 8th century! Spain’s royal heritage has its roots in royal families of many Hispanic Christian kingdoms of the High Middle Ages. The current royal family is quite famous for Spain’s future queen Princess Leanor, and her sister Infanta Sofia. Many,many,many people visit Spain yearly just to see the Royal Palace of Madrid, making the Royal Family even more known. 

Secondly, Spanish food is just a delight! Their food is arguably one of the reasons Spain is most known; with their food always staying ‘in season’ and never going out of style, the Spanish really know how to win people’s hearts! Some of the most famous Spanish foods are Tortillas, Churros and Paella Valencianas. 

Another reason why Spain is so popular is because of the famous tradition they own: racing of the bulls. This tradition has popped up in countless movies and shows- including kids’ movies! 

A similar tradition is bullfighting (Spanish style); it is practised in many countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and many more! Bullfighting is when you bait a bull, usually with something red on you, and kill it. It can be classified as a sport, but many people don’t agree. 

Spanish culture has also appeared in many animated kids movies, like earlier mentioned, promoting Spain even more. Some of those titles are: Coco, Encanto & The book of life.

So with all this ‘promotion’ of Spain, people decide to go visit- but which places are they gravitated towards the most? One of the most remarkable Spanish attractions is La Sagrada Familia with over 3 million visitors yearly! Some others are Museo Nacional del Prado,the main Spanish art museum, located in central Madrid. Another one is a fortress complex in Granada called Alhambra. 

Spain is such an enchanting place to be at, so when you’re not sure where you want to go for your holidays, give Spain a shot! It will grab your attention one way or another, I know it has grabbed mine, and I haven’t ever even been there! The way it’s described and shown to the world really is eye-catching- I would love to go there!


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