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The Mystery of the Pyramids

The building of the pyramids is still a mystery to archeologists and scientists. Because it’s almost impossible to imagine how they could carry such heavy stones, and then layer them on top of each other like they did. Science back then they didn’t have access to any developed technology that could help them accomplish this. There are many different theories on how archeologists think the pyramids were built.


 A group of researchers in Egypt found a 4,500 year old ramp system used to carry alabaster stones. It is difficult to say that this is the exact way that the pyramids were built, because alabaster is much softer material than the heavy stone that the Egyptians used to build the pyramids. This is definitely the most common theory about how the pyramids were built, since it doesn’t make sense that they would’ve carried such heavy stones weighing hundreds of tons. 


Archeologists believe that the stones of the pyramid were mined in a quarry just south of the pyramids. It is also believed that the sand was made wet so that it would be easier to transport the stones from the quarry to the building site. Then the most logical explanation is that they used the ramps to lift the stones and layer them on top of each other. 


Of course this isn’t the easiest way to do it, so it still must have taken a while no matter how quick they moved. Researchers believe it took about 20 years to build the great pyramid of Giza with around 4,000 workers at hand.


20 years is pretty impressive, considering that these pyramids were built around 4,500 years ago with no advanced technology such as cranes, concrete, etc.. to rely on. 


We can never truly know how these magnificent structures were built, and that’s probably how the ancient Egyptians would’ve wanted it. The ancient Egyptians purposely left no evidence or explanations to how they built the pyramids. They would’ve wanted future generations to admire their hard work and effort.


 “The pyramids are there as mountains of stone proving the otherworldly nature of their god-kings. You stand in front of those pyramids and you feel it’s impossible to build such a thing.” one reasercher says, and it’s true, these incredible monuments show their determination and resilience.


 It is crazy that structures built several thousands of years ago, by a group of advanced people, could still twist the minds of all scientists, researchers, and archeologists.

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