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Character Review: Darth Maul

“You have forgotten me, but I will never forget you!”

-Darth Maul



Darth Maul, a Zabrak Darth Sidious, snatched from his family at a young age and hidden in the clutches of the evil sith lord… Only now, Darth Sidious was merely an apprentice, his master being Darth Plagueis the wise. Sidious secretly trained Darth Maul because if Plagueis ever found out, Maul would have to be executed because of The Rule Of Two

Darth Maul was trained from a young age, often put in life-threatening situations. After a few years of training, Maul finally encountered his first Jedi. He was looking for the Jedi Khaat Qiyn and her padawan, Bairdon Jace. He had to let them go because it would risk Emperor Palpatine and Maul getting caught as Palpatine was pretending to be a chancellor. Palpatine threatened Maul with death if this happened again. To satisfy Maul’s need for destruction, Palpatine sent him to the Kellux system to eliminate a few pirates who were doing a few illegal trades. Maul went and was able to satisfy his bloodlust. 

During the Naboo invasion, Palpatine sent Maul to aid the separatists and eliminate a force-sensitive boy (Anakin Skywalker) and two Jedi masters (Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi). Darth Maul was able to eliminate Qui-Gon but not the young padawan Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, fueled with rage, fought Darth Maul and sliced him in half. This sent him down a reactor shaft where everyone thought he was dead….

Over 10 years later, Maul’s brother, Savage Opress, is told his brother lives. And he’s on a waste planet, in the Outer Rim. When Savage finds him, Maul looks mad, his horns the length of his face, his eyes, a bright yellow. And the one thing he keeps repeating is ‘Kenobi’: the man who took his legs. Savage attempts to take Maul back but Maul runs away. Savage eventually knocks him unconscious and takes him back to the Night Mother in Dathomir. She was able to fix Maul and give him robotic legs. After Maul got up, he had one objective in mind, take revenge on Kenobi.

After leaving Dathomir, Maul makes it his life purpose to take revenge on Kenobi. Over the years he looks, he is able to befriend the Mandalorians, a cult that organised bounty hunting by defeating their former leader. He also does many things to Kenobi that would make a normal person slip off the edge and go to the dark side, but Kenobi resists. Maul even goes as far as killing Kenobi’s love in front of his eyes. Through all of this, Maul was unable to kill Kenobi. After time had passed, Palpatine learned that Maul was still alive. This conflicted with the Rule of Two. Palpatine set off to Mandalore to eliminate Maul. He sensed the return of his old master and warned his brother. Maul tried to reason with Palpatine, to not fight, but Palpatine was too far into the dark side to let Maul break the Rule of Two. They began a heart-racing battle. Palpatine, much more experienced than Maul or Savage, was able to outwit them. Palpatine killed Savage in front of Maul’s eyes, like how Maul killed Qui-Gon in front of Kenobi. This blinded him with rage and was his downfall. Palpatine gained the upper hand and used his force lighting against Maul. This made him drop to the floor. Palpatine kept Maul as a prisoner since then.

We don’t know how Maul survived or escaped, but he did, and he hid for many years after his capture. He was still in search of Kenobi. At this time, order 66 had been executed, and Darth Vader was in his prime. A boy called Ezra Brigade and his master went to the Sith planet Maul had fled to in search of a Holocron. Maul manipulated the boy, blinded his master with his lightsaber, and made the boy take him to Kenobi. Maul finally found Kenobi on Tatooine, a desert planet with two suns. 

It was night, and Maul had finally come into contact with Kenobi. They exchanged a few words. Mauls, filled with rage and anger while Kenobi, calm and in tranquillity. Maul asked, “Why here, this wasteland. You’re… protecting something, no, someone.” This made Kenobi ready his lightsaber for battle. They stared, for what felt like an eternity, until Maul dashed to Kenobi, attempting to daze him with the hilt of his lightsaber, as he had used to kill Qui-Gon. Kenobi saw this coming, so he knew how to block it. He sent a single downward slice through Maul, injuring him greatly. Maul fell into Kenobi’s arms. Maul questioned “Is he… the chosen one?”

Kenobi replied, “He is.”

Maul, with his final breath, said “He will… avenge us.” For the first time, Maul looked to the light and looked at Kenobi as a friend. Maul looked to the sky for a final time and did not move.


“And what do you have!”

-Darth Maul

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