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Batman Character Review: Alfred Pennyworth


Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money, they can’t be bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

-Alfred Pennyworth


Alfred Pennyworth: A former agent, now the butler of the Wayne family. After Bruce Wayne’s parents died, Alfred was the only person Bruce trusted; he was like a father to him.



Although he is very popular, Alfred also has many different backstories. His most famous one is that he is a retired spy from the war who came to work for the Wayne family. While he was a spy, he was trained for extreme fighting and attained skills with firearms. He even has experience as a surgeon and has the ability to act.



Alfred is, in fact, capable of using almost any weapon. He is mostly depicted using a shotgun but he also resorts to hand-to-hand combat.


Comic History:

Originally, Alfred was called Alfred Beagle. He (again) served the military during World War II. He started serving the Wayne family after his father died- it was his only wish. This concept was thought of by Donald Clough Cameron. In all continuities, Alfred kept looking after Brue Wayne after the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne.


After he was rebooted in comics and had his name changed to Alfred Pennyworth, he was the Wayne family’s butler ever since Bruce Wayne was born. He was also Bruce’s legal guardian in this timeline. In some timelines, he was hired away from the royal family!


Fun Facts:

  • In the Injustice timeline, he defeated Superman in a hand-to-hand combat battle.
  • He’s the only person in the Wayne family to use firearms.
  • He breeds roses.
  • He feeds the bats in the Batcave.
  • He’s been kidnapped- more than once!
  • He had superpowers in one of the timelines.

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