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Recipe of the Session: Cake Pops

Here are my affordable and delicious Cake Pops… so easy a monkey could have made them!


Here is what you’re going to need (you may already have all these at home): 

  • Plain store-bought cake (pick your own, e.g. chocolate, red velvet, vanilla)
  • Plain milk chocolate bar (enough to coat each cake pop)
  • Condensed milk or frosting (about ½ of 1 cup, make sure the frosting/condensed milk isn’t more than the cake)
  • Sprinkles (optional)
  1. First wash your hands, because you will be mushing the cake up into powder. Make sure to get the least amount of lumps you can.
  2. Then, add your frosting/ condensed milk gradually to the cake, mixing it up as you add more. Once you’re done, it should have a dough-like consistency. 

Pro-tip: Try not to grab a big clump to eat it, it’ll be more tempting than you think!

  1. Shape your cake mixture into little spheres (side note: if your cake is too soft or sticky, add more ‘mushed’ cake to balance out the frosting/condensed milk). 
  2. After you’re done shaping them, place them on a plate and pop them in the freezer for no more than 5-10 minutes.
  3. Take them out from the freezer and stick a popsicle stick in, or whatever is strong enough to hold them (the cake pops shouldn’t be hard; they should be solid, but not hard). 
  4. Melt your chocolate bar and dip your spheres in. Once you’ve done that for each pop, stick them in the fridge for 20 mins. Or you can eat them hot- it doesn’t matter, they’re still as delicious! 
  5. Add your toppings. Get creative and can add anything you like: wafers, chocolate chips, powdered sugar…

Eat them while ignoring the work you need to finish; these are the perfect stress-eating comfort food. Enjoy! Feel free to share them if you want- but I’m warning you, you might regret it!

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