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Internet Trends- featuring the VSCO girl

Internet trends are what everyone talks about. Trends are basically things or concepts that expand for a period of time; and an internet trend is, quite simply, something that has gained its popularity via the internet. Some of these trends may turn into online subcultures and archetypes whilst others lose popularity with time and die quietly. Examples of a few recent internet trends would be VSCO girls, E-boys and E-girls, Tumblr girls, Tiktok stars… The list could go on forever!


The VSCO girl

VSCO girls are the new widespread trend. It started with the app “VSCO”… At least, that’s where the name came from, making anyone who used it a “VSCO girl”. With time, the VSCO girl progressed and started developing connotations to do with feelings of protectiveness over the environment. Whilst this might seem like a positive thing, the VSCO girl is kind of a stereotype- and is thus used in irony due to its exaggerated nature; they are more of a rebranded ‘basic girl’ than they are advocates for the environment.

Due to this, people started adding objects and quotes to the VSCO girl ‘starter pack’, such as metal straws, crocs, birkenstocks, scrunchies, shell necklaces and phrases like “sksksks” (representing a snickery laugh) and “save the turtles”.



E-boys and girls

E-boys/girls are the new names for feminine/emo- style gamers. Stereotypical e-boys can be found on Instagram or TikTok wearing skater clothes, dark nail polish and a single dangly earring- with their hair parted down the middle. As they are online personas, the “E” in E-boy/girl could stand for “emo” or “electronic”. It is basically a slang term for a young girl or boy who is characterized by their emo-style, anime fashion sense and internet presence.



Tumblr girls

A Tumblr girl is a certain type of young woman who actively uses the social media platform Tumblr. Typically, Tumblr girls are interested in fashion, post many photographs of themselves and have a distinctive aesthetic associated with hipsterism. They are also never afraid to be confident about how they look in front of other people and are empowering in how they learn to love how they look, though many find it bizarre that it took an app to help them do that… 

Tiktok stars

Tiktok is a new app that has been ‘blowing up’ on the internet as a part of ‘meme culture’. Tiktok stars are people who keep up with every trend on the TikTok app, such as The Woah, the Clock Challenge, AyoCheck, Green Screen and many more! As they spend significant amounts of time on the app practicing viral challenges, quite a few people have risen to fame through TikTok alone, such as Lisa and Lena, Baby Ariel, Loren Gray, Lauren Godwin, Jacob Sartorius- to name a few.


These were just a few of the trends that have overtaken the internet in 2019… As you probably already knew about all or most of these trends, you would have already recognised that, as a generation, we have a ‘subculture’ of our own and that it keeps us connected. Trends (good and bad) come and go viral then get old and are forgotten- but the internet footprint you leave will stay forever- so make sure that it’s a good one regardless of the things you see other people posting. The internet is a big place, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the endless content that’s on it; the most important thing, though, is that you stay safe, spread nothing but positivity and enjoy!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vojin Stankovic

    I really like this article of ‘The Print’ and I think articles like this should continue. Good job!

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