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Black and White Dinner

The Black and White Dinner is an annual event exclusive to the year 11 and sixth form organised by the Social Committee.

Students enjoy an evening together dressed in formal attire befitting the simple yet elegant theme of black and white. Valuable memories were made as students chattered away and took pictures which will stay with them for many years to come. A performance was put on by Abdulrahman Al Ashkar accompanied by Yufan on the guitar, it filled the air with sombre musical notes that evoked emotions of sentiment amongst the attendees. Lively music played on throughout the night but the highlight of the night was during the closing minutes as everybody joined together and rallied for one last song before heading home.

Congratulations to Mohamed El Bana, Batol Al Hashimy, Jailan Al Harbi, and Ali Boyrati for winning best-dressed awards!

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