The Blue Glaucus is a type of sea slug which tends to hang around the East and South Coast of South Africa, as well as European waters, the East Coast of Australia, and Mozambique. This animal may look pretty, but it has a pretty powerful sting, certainly giving anybody who picks it up a shock. Read on for the details!
The Blue Glaucus is bright blue with a white stripe down the middle and multiple finger-looking appendages on its “fins”. This creature is a sea slug- one of the many different types of them. Unlike normal slugs, which look a lot like a homeless snail, sea slugs are colourful, ranging from red to white. These creatures also have air sacs, but due to their position, they would always float on the surface upside down. The Blue Glaucus tends to stick around the open ocean and coral, where it fits quite nicely with the local flora and fauna.
Eating habits:
Speaking of the local fauna, this slug can eat quite a lot! Including Portuguese Man o’ Wars (which are roughly 30 feet, while these slugs are only 3cm long!)!! The Glaucus is observed to eat all types of jellyfish, and use the toxins of the jellyfish for their own benefit, such as stinging other fish. However, while the Man o’ Wars sting is not too dangerous, the Blue Glaucus’s sting is much more powerful, meaning care needs to be taken with this animal when holding it.
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Fun Facts:
- The Blue Glaucus is coloured, so it can hide perfectly on the ocean surface. Creatures looking down will think they see the ocean floor, while creatures looking up will think they are looking at the sky above.
- The Blue Glaucus gets its colour from its diet, which consists mainly of jellyfish.
- The Blue Glaucus tends to leave its eggs on its victims’ skeletons, or simply anywhere that is suitable, including driftwood and flat pieces of land.
Final Word:
This is a very unique animal, from eating creatures more than three times its size, to swimming upside down almost all its life. This creature is supremely cool, with many crazy abilities like stinging, camouflage and skin designed to make it appear like a force to be reckoned with. While amazing, this creature is a good example of something beautiful to the eye, but dangerous to the touch. All in all, a beautiful animal, and one to admire from afar.