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Conserve Electricity!

Conserving electricity serves the double purpose of helping stop global warming and saving a lot of money over time. Kuwait has the fourth highest energy consumption per capita in the world. On average, there are 9000 kg of oil burnt for every person in Kuwait to produce electricity! It costs the government billions of dollars every year to create new power plants to accommodate this high demand, and if the energy consumption continues to increase, the government would have to charge the people large sums of money for electricity usage. This is a dire problem and we should all work together to save our planet and country.


What does it mean to conserve electricity? Well, the idea of conserving electricity means that you should only use it when necessary and not waste it. This means doing simple things, such as turning off lights when you leave a room, and using natural light during the day instead of relying on artificial light. In addition, there are more involved processes, such as replacing standard light bulbs and appliances with those that use less electricity. While you may not notice much of an impact on your day-to-day life when you make these types of changes, the environmental impact of your actions will be much larger.


There are consequences that occur when electricity is overused, for example, most mechanisms for generating electricity release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into Earth’s atmosphere. While small quantities of carbon dioxide exist naturally in the atmosphere, the generation of electricity has greatly increased the presence of greenhouse gases in the planet’s atmosphere. The overwhelming majority of scientists believe that this contributes to an unnatural degree of global warming that has the potential to affect the global climate, change local ecosystems and destroy animal populations.


Conserving energy benefits both you and the environment so begin conserving the electricity in your home today and not waste it. You might think that small changes in your electricity usage might not have an effect on global warming, however, if a large number of people make these changes to their lifestyles, they will truly make a huge difference. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a few steps, and the small changes you make to your electricity usage are essential to preventing global warming as they indicate the beginning of this journey.

You can make the following simple changes to your lifestyle to reduce your electricity usage:

  • Turn off lights when you don’t need them. Over 10 % of our electricity is used up by lighting and this figure can be easily reduced.
  • Unplug devices such as your TV when you are not using them. It is estimated that 70 % of the energy that a TV uses during its operation is when it is on standby (when the TV is off but plugged in).
  • Try to turn off your AC when the weather is nice. An AC consumes the majority of our energy at home and turning it off for some time can make a significant difference. In hot weather, set the thermostat to 24oC to reduce energy consumption as much as possible.
  • Get out of your house more often! The less time you are at home, the less energy you use when you are at home.

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