Year 7 is a massive step up from primary school and it can be quite overwhelming. When it feels slightly intimidating, the first step would be to calm down. You can do some breathing exercises, meditating, mindfulness, or simply distract yourself by doing something you enjoy. Here are some tips on how to survive year 7:
Make a first good impression
Making a first good impression can be difficult and you may find yourself feeling anxious about how to manage it. I suggest that you start with a smile which can make you seem approachable and as a result, people around you will feel comfortable and congenial.
Be confident (but not overconfident)
Having good self-esteem and confidence are great ways to start Year 7. However, it can often lead to overconfidence and arrogance. These qualities can make you come off as rude, regardless of your intentions.
Ask for help when you need it
Asking for help can be difficult for some students. If there is something that you can’t do alone then you should ask someone for help.
Be kind
Being kind is a great quality as you are helping others and making them feel better. It has been reported that being kind is good for your health. It can help you interact with people and make new friends.
Be yourself
Changing yourself to fit in would never be a good idea. It can have a negative impact on your mental well-being and leave you feeling drained. Along with the other challenges of Year 7, it is not worth it.
Choose your friends wisely
A good friend will never pressurise you to change yourself just to stay with them. You should be wary of toxic friends. If you find that they are not supporting you during your difficult times, you might be experiencing a toxic friendship.
Listen in Class
In Year 7, you begin to learn things that will shape your entire secondary education. Listening in class can give you a good start and save your future self from having to do an awful lot of work later on.
Do your work
It’s crucial that you complete the homework you were given in class. It wouldn’t be called learning if you weren’t taking notes or keeping up with your job. Some teachers might ask you to bring your books so they can check your progress.
Being organised includes finishing your homework on time. This is a fundamental point, thus it is important to complete it as soon as you can to meet the deadline. The consequences of not completing your assignment include detentions and calls to your parents or legal guardians.
Get organised
In Year 7, you are generally required to prepare everything for yourself. From your pens to your highlighters, you need to bring all of your useful stationery. You need to make sure you have everything packed so that you can make the most out of school.
Learn your way around school
This will definitely make your life easier, I promise you. Knowing your way around school can help you avoid embarrassing moments such as getting lost. It can save you from the consequences of being late.
Memorise your timetable
Knowing your timetable can save you from making some rather awkward mistakes.
Make sure you get enough sleep
At your current age, it’s recommended that you get between 8-10 hours of sleep every night. If you don’t get enough sleep then you won’t be able to concentrate at school.
Stay out of trouble
Staying out of trouble will save you a lot of time and hassle as you can avoid detentions. If you observe any form of bullying happening to someone or experience it yourself, then you must report it. Gossiping may seem mild but how would you feel if someone was talking about you behind your back?
Don’t try too hard
Year 7 is quite different from anything you have experienced before, so it can be perplexing to know how to act or what to do. But just remember that you don’t need to try too hard, doing your best is enough!
Don’t try to be perfect
You don’t need to be perfect and set high standards for yourself as it can be tiring. Instead, you should try to do the best you can in every part of your school life. Learning from your mistakes can help you to grow and develop.
Have fun
Depending on your experiences, Year 7 can be a wonderful or a brutal time. My advice would be to try to have fun at every chance you get. Make some new friends or talk to your old companions to make your day more enjoyable.
Join a club
NES offers many clubs and extracurricular activities. It is a great way to make friends with people that have similar interests as you. You may even be able to make friends in different year groups who can give you some advice about their experiences in year 7.
Learn how to stay calm
Finding something you enjoy can help make your school life more bearable and even a little bit more exciting, too. Having a hobby or an interest can also be a great way to let off some steam, especially after a hard day at school. You can even join a club which can be in or outside of school.
Talk about your day
Talking or writing about your day can help you from being overwhelmed. Talking is quite helpful because you may be able to solve any problems. Writing also has its benefits by helping you to process what has happened in the day and prepare you for the next.
Make sure you aren’t falling behind
If you are struggling at school, then you should notify your parents or guardians. You could also ask your teachers to help you understand the work. A great online resource known as the BBC Bitesize can give you some useful guides for reviewing the topics you are struggling with.
Read at home
Reading at home can help you build up your reading skills. Studies show that kids who read at home are smart and can build up good vocabulary. It is a vague tip, as it can be anything, including reading subtitles on a TV.